How many students attend Elysian Heights?
We currently have 340 students and have a maximum capacity of 370 students.
How many students are assigned per class?
In grades K-3 we average about 24 students to one teacher. In 4th and 5th grade, we average about 32 students per teacher.
What arts classes do we offer during the school day?
We currently offer:
- Ceramics 1hr every other week (All Students)
- General Art 1hr every other week (All Students)
- General Music every week for about 50 minutes (All Students)
- Theater Classes for lower/upper elementary every week for 1hr for one semester. Upper elementary students will be given the option to continue a second semester
- Orchestra classes for 3rd-5th grade students 1hr ever week.
Do you offer after school care?
LA's Best offers free child care to all students ages 5 and up 5 days a week from 2:19 till 6:00 pm. Extended Youth Services (EYS) offers students free childcare for students in grades 2nd - 5th grade from 2:19-6:00 pm. Additionally, we offer a pay program, Prime Time, they accept all students 5 days a week from 2:19pm – 5:30pm for $326 per month. They also provide a la carte for families who require an alternative schedule.
Why isn't the Great Schools rating higher?
With the transition to Smarter Balance Assessments, the District provided programs did not align well with the assessments. In 2018, the school reviewed data and discovered that the only schools performing better on standardized tests were schools implementing Eureka Math and Reading and Writing Workshop. The school immediately procured the materials in 2018, and in 2019 the school contracted with consultants to support the transition to the new materials. We are already seeing significant improvement in class instruction and student assessment scores on Interim assessments.